Rhythmic Gymnastic
Rhythmic gymnastics is gymnastics with movements that follow the rhythm in the form of clapping, tapping, singing music, and so on. Rhythmic gymnastics is performed individually or in groups to show thick choreography with acrobatics with or without gymnastic aids in the form of balls, ribbons, ropes, maces, and hoops. Rhythmic gymnastics is an alternative method used to increase children’s concentration through body movements.
Rhythmic gymnastics combines dance and ballet movements consisting of warm-up movements, core parts, and cool-down parts. The elements contained in rhythmic gymnastics include flexibility, continuity of movement, and rhythmic accuracy to train flexibility, agility, agility, and endurance for the whole body.
It has become the sport contested in various major events, such as the Olympics and other international-scale competitions. One of the well-known rhythmic gymnastics is gymnastics using ribbons as is often done in the Olympic games.
The application of rhythmic gymnastics for primary students at Stella Maris School is an enriching experience that combines the beauty of dance with the precision of athletics.
Benefits of rhythmic gymnastics:
- Keeping the body ideal, healthy, and fit.
- Healthy heart and lungs.
- Improve skin health.
- Maintain muscle and bone strength.
- Maintain joint flexibility.
- Increase stamina and enthusiasm for daily activities.
- Lowering cholesterol levels and weight.
- Increase body strength and agility.
- Improves flexibility of the body.
- Balance training.
- Keep away from injury due to certain activities.
The purpose of rhythmic activity in rhythmic gymnastics is to stimulate creativity through freedom of fantasy and an emphasis on spontaneous movement. In addition, personality, individual abilities, and personal and social maturity are formed. Cultivating movement is also aimed at oneself is impossible without paying attention to the movements of others. So that in rhythmic gymnastics there are three things that must be considered, namely rhythm, body flexibility, and movement continuity. One form of exercise to develop a child’s motor skills is to perform a variety of sports movements, one of which is a rhythmic gymnastics activity. Rhythmic activity is a series of human motions performed in the bond pattern and rhythm within time or only body expression following the music or power outside the music. That is the reason why rhythmic gymnastics has been even said as a kind of dance.