As a Catholic School, Stella Maris School – Gading Serpong always emphasizes God for every school activity, lesson, and other religious activity. These activities are always carried out to direct students to know and be closer to God as a reflection of the values ​​of Stella Maris School 

“Faith in God”.

Apart from praying before and after the lessons, we really appreciate the different religions embraced by the students who study at Stella Maris School. Not only Catholics, but there are also Christians, Buddhists, and Muslims. These different religions are not obstacles for the students at Stella Maris School to apply values ​​to our students because we always try to provide the best for students, namely by presenting worship activities.

When we talk about worshiping God and praising the Lord, many people think about the moment they sing worship songs during church services on a Sunday morning. However, there is much more to the act of worship than that.

Worshiping in spirit and truth requires both our emotions and our knowledge of God. It is neither only about feelings nor only about the intellectual understanding of who God is – it is about both. We worship God with our hearts and with our minds as well. True worship is only possible because of the mediation of Christ Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 

Sometimes, people assume that sending prayer is enough to fulfill our faith. Prayer is not just a way to send requests to God. It is the act of communicating with the Almighty. A fundamental element of this communication is praising and worshiping Him. Hence, performing many religious activities in daily life will enhance our faith and belief. Stella Maris School has set up several religious activities that accommodate religious activities. One of the religious activities is Spiritual welfare.

Spiritual Welfare is a worship activity that is held on Fridays of every month. Catholic students attend First Friday Mass and Christian, Buddhist and Muslim students worship according to their respective religions guided by the religion teachers. The worship is not only carried out by the students, but also by all the teachers and staff at Stella Maris School.

During the Spiritual Welfare activity, students learn to conduct Worship properly and honor God as the mighty God.

They are reminded to always thank God for all the things they have received in form of their prayers and praise. Stella Maris School not only provides academic education but always builds the character of students who always believe and have faith in their God that lead them to become students with good character. The students can also be a blessing wherever they are.


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