Mathematics – Teaching Tips for lower levels

By Ms. Lidia


Children will have the chance to work on their fine motor skills, focus, hand-eye coordination and imagination if we have a creative and great way to teach them about maths. That sounds way more fun then, “It is time for math!” Practicing the standards can and should be fun! These tips and stories make it so easy, and we are working on so many skills. We will share tips and stories about maths in lower class. The goal is to have the students for joy every day. Become an agent of change to become more and better and greater. Change or slow? We will always help students to change for the better and our school can develop in the long term also.

Every month, we showcase fun and incredible themes, fun projects, colourful materials, and more in a super handy weekly plan that you can come back to over and over again. It means the students will never be stuck studying maths!

First, Math flash card. It was breaking my heart to watch my students feel left out during partner work. Everything changed when we created this incredible card that has revolutionized work for not just me, but countless students to help them know more faster some lessons in maths. Each featuring a fantastic image and its corresponding numbers partner. With these cards, creating partnerships in our classroom is now a breeze, taking less than 5 minutes! These cards also can be used for the presentation.

Second, something pleasant is not to be sought but created. Yes, we make assignments like homework, practice, quiz and deadlines fun to complete. Learn and learn new things and succeed in solving new problems, finding new solutions in a happy and realistic situation. 

Third, Maths link cubes. These math link cubes games ensure that no student is left behind. Kids love making new friends and forming partnerships based on these exciting number pairs. It can help them to learn faster about place value, addition, subtraction within 100 in a fun way. We are excited to witness the transformation in our math classroom as students connect, collaborate and support each other like never before using these fun math link cubes.

Fourth, by making a Small Group Math. Introducing The Small Group Rotation Solution! This innovative solution is designed to make small group organization easier and allow each child to reach their full potential. We prepare maths materials in google classroom also with editable slides and a learning style quiz, we have everything the parents need to make small group math learning successful for the next lesson. We create math practice and projects specific to each child’s needs and learning style in an easy way. This is a key first step in helping kids become successful math learners. Then, the parents can use the editable slides to create custom lessons and activities based on each child’s learning style at home. This unique way also helps to alleviate classroom chaos, while making sure each student gets the most out of their learning experience. With The Small Group Rotation Solution, we can be sure every child is engaged and actively learning and give every child the chance to reach their full potential.

The last, Maths fun games. Classroom games are a great way to boost engagement and make learning fun. Most children love playing games in the classroom. However, it’s not always easy to target every skill with a game. Plus, some games get old after we’ve played them a few times. So, in our class, we always create different fun games like addition and subtraction bingo, using an action dice, by using teaching tools from Cambridge tools like rod smith games, spinner numbers, maths drag and drop, etc. Sometimes we use quizzes, twinkle, and many more fun games to engage and educate students about maths.

If you’re looking for a fun tip for the “Maths for lower class” series, this is for you! Don’t miss out on this engaging and educational tool that will bring joy to your kids! 

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