
“And as for my studies, actually for the first few semesters, I basically don’t have any some sort of major problems. Believe it or not this is due to my experience in IB (International Baccalaureate). I took IB at Stella Maris. IB is very helpful for your university. And as someone who had an experience in IB. I could bravely say that it is true.”

Yansen Yanvrent (Alumni Stella Maris Gading Serpong)

Yansen Yanvrent

Alumni Stema GS

“Aku mempunyai bakat menyanyi dan juga prestasi sehingga aku berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa non-academic dari Stella Maris Gading Serpong. Aku seneng banget bisa dapetin beasiswa non-academic dari Stella Maris Gading Serpong.”

Sherina Thu Tiwanie (Student Stella Maris School Gading Serpong)

Sherina Thu Tiwanie

Murid Stema GS

“Memang keputusan kami menyekolahkan Chloe di Stella Maris School Gading Serpong tidak salah. Didukung dengan fasiltas lengkap, tenaga pendidik yang hebat, dan sistem belajar yang berbeda dengan sekolah lain. Suasana yang homey bermain sekaligus belajar, bertemu teman-teman. Tumbuh kembang Chloe di sekolah ini sangat luar biasa.”
Margareth (Parents of Christabel Chloe)


Orang Tua dari Christabel Chloe

“We recognize the school as important partner of ours. And the school does commit to provide best learning tool to help student excel in their studies.”

Lydia Kusumadewi (Orang tua murid Matthew dan Peter)

Stanley Han

CEO & Founder KooBits

Education System


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